Here are my lucky winners!
The best thing I've ever found at a thrift store is a bench that I saw at Target the very same day for 3 times as much! When I opened the box, I saw that one of the pieces was cracked, but it was a piece that was hidden and could easily be fixed with some wood glue. I was so excited!
Thanks for offering up such a great giveaway- I always look for linens at the stores I go to but never find anything good.
Congrats to you both! I look forward to seeing what you two make with these fabrics! (No rush!)
Thanks to everyone who entered - I loved reading all the comments, and hearing so many great anecdotes about cool garage sale / thrift store finds! Some things I learned from this crazy giveaway experience...
- There are so many cool blogs out there! I tried to look at as many as I could for the folks with blogs who left a comment. I still have a lot left to look at! I will slowly but surely make my way through them all.
- I tried to reply to as many comments as I could, but I was really amazed at how many people don't give you a way to contact them. Even people who have their own blogs!
- How to number comments in blogger! I did exactly as the instructions suggested, and only ran into one tiny problem. I copied and pasted the text, and the single quotes were pasted as the wrong type (`) and I had to change them to the other type ('). Other than that, it worked like a charm.
- I tried to delete some duplicate comments (though I didn't have too many), but they still showed up as "deleted by the administrator" and were still numbered. That annoys the perfectionist in me.
- I didn't have much time to check out the other giveaways. Bummer!
:o I've never found such a thing at a garage sale. I think I need to go more often...