Meanwhile, I haven't been sewing, but I've been preparing to get ready to start sewing! ;-) My stash of vintage sheets was overwhelming me. I have so many great ones, but starting any sort of project with them was a daunting task - imagine hauling out a dozen full-size sheets, unfolding each one, cutting a small portion off, folding it back up, etc. What a waste of time! So, I decided to go crazy, and cut up my entire stash into fat quarter sizes. Now they'll be all ready to go when I need them (not to mention, all ready to go for swapping!). At the same time, I'm taking a bit of each and cutting them into squares for my next project. It's been a huge task, but right up my OCD alley! I'm almost done, and will post some pics when it's all gloriously organized. Meanwhile, here's an in-progress picture...
Crazy, right?? And as if I needed any more, I found four more great ones at Value Village last Friday. I didn't even really plan on buying anything, but just thought I'd drop in with my daughter for a fun end-of-the-week outing. The smoothie place is right next door, so Vada gets a yummy treat while I get to shop with a happy toddler in tow - win/win!
Let me tell you, I was SO excited to find that pink and orange floral on the upper left. I already have it in green and blue, and now pink! It's gorgeous - I love the combo of pink and orange. It totally made up for a crappy morning of garage saling on Saturday. I went to FOUR rummage sales, and didn't find anything good. Not a thing! Vada, on the other hand, finally discovered Barbies. And now she owns two. I felt a little yucky about bringing Barbie into the house, but I knew this day would come. On the bright side, she hasn't played with them nearly as much as the new Woodkins toy we also found (for $1 - woot!). We spent some time tonight going through my scrap box picking out new fabrics for it. Fun!